Can a stepchild contest a Will?

Foresight Estate Planning & Will Writing Services

More and more we are seeing headlines about squabbles over an unnecessarily vast inheritance, like the arguments surrounding the (estimated) £70 million estate of Robin Williams or the £360 million estate of Prince, who shockingly died without a Will!

Perhaps, you have heard of the ill-fated life of Anna Nicole Smith (a famous American model, actress, and television personality from the 90s), which attracted two estate disputes; firstly, by Anna herself, when her 89-year-old husband died leaving his entire estate to his son and several charities, and secondly, when Anna herself sadly passed away at the age of 39. There were many twists and turns in this case, with one judge, at one point, ruling in the favor of Annas stepchild.

Can a stepchild contest a Will?
The simple answer is… yes. The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 (the Act) sets out the law which allows a court to alter the distribution of a deceased persons estate, if they have failed to make reasonable financial provision’ for certain people.

The key to making a claim under this Act is that you must fall within the category of people entitled to bring a claim, namely: a spouse, a former spouse, a person cohabiting with the deceased for at least two years before they died, a child, a child treated as a child of the family, or any other person who may have been financially dependent on the deceased before they died. A stepchild could, therefore, legitimately bring a claim as a child of the familyunder the terms of the Act if they can prove that they have not been adequately provided for under the terms of the Will.

What is the meaning of reasonable financial provision?
The Courts will objectively consider various factors when determining a claim under the Act including, not just the financial needs of the stepchild bringing the claim, but the needs of all beneficiaries named in the Will. The Courts will play a balancing act between the competing needs of all beneficiaries, whilst considering the size and nature of the deceaseds estate.

There are other grounds on which a stepchild might decide to contest a Will. They could opt to challenge the validity of a Will as a result of undue influence, lack of testamentary capacity or by claiming that the deceased did not know and approve the contents of their Will at the time it was made.

These days, it is a common scenario where a parent-couple divorce, remarry and then place complete trust in their new spouse to do the right thingwhen they die, making sure that their estate passes to the children from their previous marriage.

Unfortunately, we then often see the newspouse leaving their entire estate to their own children, cutting out the stepchildren altogether (whether intentionally or not), we call this sideways disinheriting. To avoid such a situation arising, it is important to consider your options when preparing your Will in order to protect your estate for your ultimate beneficiaries and to ensure your wishes are carried out. A contested estate can cost tens of thousands of pounds in legal fees, holding up and preventing grants of probate for years whilst tearing families apart.

Money and family very rarely mix well, nothing highlights this more than after the loss of a parent who has remarried.