Foresight Inheritance Tax

Foresight Estate Planning & Will Writing Services


What is a Trust & Why Would I Need One?

Broadly speaking, a Trust is an arrangement under which property i.e., land, cash, investments or some sort of rights such as copyrights, is held by a person or organisation on behalf of one or more people. The people holding the property are called “the Trustees” and the people on whose behalf the property is held …

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Inheritance Tax - A Voluntary Tax?

Inheritance Tax – A Voluntary Tax?

Britain’s paid out the highest ever amount of inheritance tax (IHT) to HMRC in 2017-18, with the latest figures showing the bill totalled £5.2billion, in 2018/19 that figure increased to an even higher bill of £5.4billion. Data shows that most of the inheritance tax payments come from estates worth between £500,000 and £1million. In 2016-17, …

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